

Our nervous system is the first thing to form as an embryo. The nervous system is also the main way of sending messages throughout the body. This is really the basis of chiropractic care. The goal of a chiropractor is for every person to have 100% communication from the brain to the tissue.

We have all had bumps, bruises, and traumas that have misaligned vertebra causing pressure on a nerve which causes interference in the communication between the brain and the tissue. Most people would experience this as a muscle spasm or backache. The goal of a chiropractor is to adjust the vertebra to relieve the pressure on the pinched nerve. This way the body can restore the 100% nerve transmission from the brain to the tissues. As a patient, the adjustment relieves pain and they are back to feeling better.

Relieving pain to restore your physical wellbeing:

  • Backaches and neck pain
  • Sports injuries
  • Car accidents
  • ​Work related injuries
  • Muscle pains and spasms
  • Joint pain and pinched nerves
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Numbness in hands or feet
  • Bulged discs
different machines
X ray

Chiropractic Services

Flexible scheduling options are available to current patients.

Exceptional methods to ensure superior care solutions:

  • Evaluations
  • Adjustments
  • Spinal and extremity manipulation
  • Corrective and rehabilitative exercises
  • Pain relief and management



Pierce System

The Pierce “Result System” is a combination of various techniques that have been instructed throughout the world and in several major chiropractic colleges.

Atlas Orthogonal

Atlas Orthogonal really has changed my life. My daughter had a sledding accident when she was 6 years old. She had developed migraine headaches shortly after. With all the knowledge of chiropractic techniques that I was taught, nothing worked to rid her of the headaches. I then met the founder of Atlas Orthogonal, Dr. Roy Sweat. He invited myself and my daughter to a seminar, where I brought the necessary x-rays. He adjusted her at the seminar. After that Atlas Orthogonal adjustment, her headaches were resolved. I was a believer!


I then learned the technique myself and have been practicing Atlas Orthogonal since. I have helped countless individuals with similar symptoms over the years.